3 reasons to print your pictures!


Find out why printing your pictures is so important!


Did you ever find yourself looking through an old family album or old photographs stored in a shoe box? 

What would have happened if your parents/grandparents never received those prints and just stored the negatives?

They would have been lost forever and you would not have them now. Those memories would have been gone. 

And this is because:

1.Technology evolves!

Technology changes all the time, and faster than you think. If you think of the many ways to store data we have experienced in recent years you will understand what I mean. We went from negatives to floppy disks, from CDs to USB keys and now the Cloud...

When you ask your photographer “can I have a USB drive of all my pictures?”, you are asking for an already obsolete technology. Some laptops don’t even have USB ports anymore!

So, you can download your pictures somewhere in your laptop, but sometimes technology fails, your computer or your hard disk can break, or they can lose data. Even your phone could break, you forgot to back up your files, or you installed that latest upgrade, and in the process you lose everything. Sound familiar?

So, what is the best way to preserve your memories? PRINTS.

Good quality prints, so you can be sure they will last.

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2. Digital photos are for the digital world.

Digitals are fine for sharing and connecting yourself with the digital world, but they’re scrolled past very quickly and are soon forgotten.

Your pictures deserve better than that.

Sharing photos on social media is fun but keepsake memories are better!

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3. Digitals are just data.

Digitals are not actually photos, they are data, and like the old negative it needs to be developed to come alive. By doing so, you will be able to see those minor details and by holding it in your hand, it becomes a completely different experience from just staring at the screen. 

Imagine if the manuscript of Harry Potter had never been transformed and printed in a book?

What a tragedy! So why you don’t do it with your pictures? Those are your memories; moments of your life which deserve to be brought to life and be seen by all your loved ones.

That’s why you want beautiful prints and bespoke wall art to show in your house.

There are so many ways to show your prints, discover here!


Why your dog doesn’t need to be trained to get beautiful pictures!